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Cafe Interior


My Professional Journey

I’ve put together a carefully curated selection of my latest and most influential pieces. Read through the samples below and feel free to get in touch to learn more about me and to discuss any projects you may want to send my way.

Writing by the Water



It is with whom the dream lies that all visions are found BUT...

before I start, allow me to comeout frankly and say that my shooing star hasn't passed.

I waited for you dear but you didn't show up:

THEN... I was left wondering where I had gone wrong dear FOR...

I thought this ground I was treading was a new one.

I thought dreams were valid before I start...

LO! I had nobody to guide me into this wilderness coz...

They just wanted to see me shine but did it ever occur to them that I was a human who had his shortcomings?

I guess No...

Before I start dear audience please allow me to pour my heart and don't cry when I cry for when we all cry...

Who will console them?

Before I start world allow me to say I'm sorry AND...

Before I start Lord please take the lead


Bridge to the Fog

August, 2021

That was his hat. Ask me not of his heart for I had not known him until then and still don't know him.

That was his hair, blond. And again I don't know who his heir was for never had I set my eyes on Cinderella before. Ahem!

His moustache, so attractive that we got a VIP ticket in the 20' FIFA Olympics. WOW! But still I had never witnessed him enter a barber shop or even buy one mhmh never.

BUT... I knew he had the power of written words. For inn him came out magical pieces that hitherto astonish me.

Did I follow in his footsteps?

No I didn't.

The bridge to fog land broke and he refused to give me a ride in his limousine

I guess not all pieces are to be written in the fog for I am writing in the dark!

I know you did not understand this one.



Taking Notes
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