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To a writer, everything is a story. I'm writing this on a Tuesday afternoon; you'll probably read it on a Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning. I had never imagined him being caught between such tough crossroads. Ever since I knew him, I have always thought of him being this baptiste believer, never to engage himself in any discrepancy. Trust me when I tell you he is the kind you'd tell that you passed through a bar last night and he will be like;

"Please don't impurify me." Trust me.

It is quite unusual that one does not realize that the greatest lessons you should learn in your twenties is to put yourself first without minding what the world says about you. Kim, as I call him never seemed to enjoy his life as we all did in high school. There was this aura of secrecy he brought with him, anytime you would sit to have a convoy. Some said it was because of his immensely rich background. We then came up with this notion that he secluded himself because he did not want to share his impeccable capability in all sciences. When that didn't work, something else thriffed in the air and frenzy of rumours. This one, particularly, got me interested. It did not seem to end, and for a while long it caught my attention.

I knew Kim was a rooted Baptist, who would fight tooth and nail for the gospel. Then one morning we wake up to: Kim is said to be gay.( I really tried to look for a synonym that would fit in due to obscenity issues but bear with me). I remember that specific period, I had already started my shadow phase and I did not want any hoo-ha.( This is the period where I draw back from the world and reflect on my life and plans). I could not fight the urge to know more for deep down, I knew it was all a lie. I needed to know more.

You say I'm too curious, right? Not really. I was the CU chair then and hearing such a soul soiled, I had to follow up. It's Wednesday night. I open my office:yes! Executives had offices at our school. I stand by the door and quickly spot and idle roaming form one, whom I send to call Kim. I see him from a far walking in humble meek steps as usual. You'd think he is as stainless steel with his so down to earth facial. But anyway, I'll just know. My mind thought.

"Kim! I hope you are doing well. Please have a seat and feel comfortable."

I'm the most accommodative person you can come across honestly. Haha. Anyway

"I hear certain rumours that keep me worrying. Is it true what I hear." Trust me where that came from, I've never known.

It has never escaped me that Kim gave a reply that left me shocked. I still regret why I asked him that and I do regret why I never listened to my friends when they told me to Kibosh the operation. Ouch!

" Shem! It is all well that ends well and your well has come today. The decisions lay complete in my hands and whatever road that I choose to take no man will abort that. For now I must focus on the future and put my past behind because Kim is dead to me. Whatever you heard was true and please go confirm it to them."

What I heard next was a door bang and voilà, he was gone. The last time I talked to Kim in my highschool life. His words reminded me of the Creo people in Sierra Leone, during the time of war. The soldiers notion to the people was ' the decision is in your hands.' It was either you kill your brother, else your hand would be cut off, the reason as to why many Creo people have cuts or bruises. Kim here, had decided to kill a brother. He could not watch his hand being cut off. Ouch!.

I decided to write this when today morning I opened my WhatsApp texts only to find a text from a new number. After a small chitchat, I realized it was Kim. Texting straight from the Westminster, London, UK. Hello you!. I have been here before, I'm not a stranger, hello mum. Remember that poem, the words resonated clearly today morning. He hooked up with a British ( make sure you read that with an accent because I'm really hurt and need to lift my spirit), they became friends and yes! The rest we know.

But I'm left asking myself: Should I let myself get devoured because my background is humble? Should I. Or did he make that decision because of the money? Maybe. After all he is barely twenty.

Oh poor soul of your people,

By this river, you shall row.

By this bay you shall bask;

But by this walk you shall get devoured.

I feel like sharing how he is living a posh standard of life and how he has transformed but my spirit and mind not forgetting my hand can't type a thing now. I need to leave and go elsewhere to unwind. What a hoo-ha! Oops.

Remember Mzee Kombo's story, from my previous blog?

He is no more. Please follow on Thursday for the remaining half of the story.

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